Sunday, January 15, 2012

Research for abstract art and some images.

Abstract art does not make it look realistic and it is made of points, lines,

forms and colours and so it is unable to deliver painter’s feeling about the

theme to theaudiences in quick and immediately . This is because

interpretation about the abstract art depends on artists’ intention and feeling

about objects. For this reason, these sort of paintings is sometimes hard to

appreciate and understand the topic. When we try to make an abract art, it

isn’t expressed in reality what we see and it will be about our imagination ,

fantasy and memory so it is called “Abstract art”. There are a bunch of

abstract artists well-known like Mondrian, Kandinsky and

Picasso as well.

Following images are about the process how Mondrian made the tree based

on abstract art.

As you can see the above example, the tree changed from a real tree to

lines and forms like being real into being figurative. The last image does

not seem to be a tree we have seen.

Additional images are examples of abstract art by unknown people from

the Internet. All images I chose is not expressed in reality and they seem

that the artists used lots of lines, forms and colors intensive color to

describe objects based on their theme or concept . All objects are

deformed or remade by the artists' imagination and added with a variety

of colours and these objects matches colors used

on artists' intention.

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